Thursday 24 September 2009

Audience Profile Questionnaire and results

We designed a short questionnaire, the purpose was to find out what our selected audience expected from an artist and video of that genre. There were only 4 questions after listening to our chosen song, this would give them a better idea as to what kind of music genre it portrays. We approached 25-50 year old males and females. The questions were as follows;

1. Now that you have listened to our track, how would you picture our artist to look?
(I then wrote down all the key words that they told me, these included dress, blonde hair, soft features, organic)

2. What kind of setting would you imagine her in a video?
a. A stage b. In the woods c. At a fair ground d. From another persons perspective as a story
(Most said that they wouldn't see her at a fairground, but would see her either in the woods or telling a story)

3. If the video was to tell a story, what would it be about?
(The most popular answer was the the singer would break up with a guy, then seeing him in emotional pain as she is doing just fine, but feeling sorry for him at the end of it)

4. If you were to buy the album, what would you expect to see on the cover?
( Trees, sunshine, animals, countryside, guitar ).

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